Admissions for Bishop Leibold School: Dayton OH
Welcome to our admissions site for Bishop Leibold School, provided to you by OptionC.
If you are a family with a current student at our school, please leave this page and sign in to your OptionC family portal to re-register your existing students and/or to register a new student.
If you are new family to our school, please set up an account to begin the process to register your student(s). Once you have set up an account you can sign in again here to update and/or complete the registration process.
The process consists of four steps:
- Parents/Guardians: update your information or add another parent/guardian to the family.
- Family Details: update family information (email, phone, and address).
- New Students: add a new student to be considered for registration at our school.
- Submit Registrations to School: submit new registrations to our school.
Please note, in order to submit your application for consideration, you will be required to pay the following fees:
- $200.00 for the first student
- $0.00 for each additional student